Month: November 2014

Episode 8: Never trust a man named after a bird

This week we’ve been using our fingers to press the buttons that operate Far Cry 4 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Matthew has gently cajoled Yves Guillemot into revealing some “true” things about Assassin’s Creed: Unity, and acapella game tunes brings us both a listener’s impressive renditions and a San Andreas track from Alan that you are 100% guaranteed not to recognise in a million years. Plus: NO SPACE ARK. (We had some audio issues, sorry. It’ll be back next week with survival horror games.)

Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, visit our Facebook page, or spell your message out in Alphabetti Spaghetti.

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Episode 7: A little dog with a hat on

This week’s episode is a hallucination experienced by Matthew after 28 hours without sleep. Inside his terrifying mind-visions, we talk Lego Batman 3 and The Sailor’s Dream, uncover some absolutely 100% no-question “true” facts about the Majora’s Mask 3DS remake, and mangle several game tunes beyond recognition through the medium of Jam With The Band. Plus: SPACE ARK.

Next week’s Space Ark is survival horror. Well, every week is survival horror in the year 3000 — but specifically we mean that we want you to recommend your favourite survival horror game. Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, type words onto our Facebook page, or our morse code address is –. .- — . … -.-. — — — .. – – . . – …. . -.– . .- .-. …– —– —– —–.

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Episode 6: Do you believe in life after Shadow Complex

Look what’s coming out of us this week! We have ideas on how to improve the funeral scene in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, our ears suffer irreparable damage thanks to some listener-submitted a capella game tunes, and Matthew meets M Bison. Plus: SPACE ARK.

We want your badly-sung game songs and your favourite rhythm games for Space Ark, yes we do. Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, stick something on our Facebook page, or use lipstick to scrawl something on the mirror so we see it as we head for the shower.

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