Episode 19: Hairy basins

We go shopping in Batman: Arkham Knight and pretend we’re cool enough for the “banging wubs” of Futuridium EP Deluxe. We share our highlights of E3 2015, and predict the future of the show’s biggest game franchises through the tried and trusted method of jabbing randomly at our mobile phone keyboards. And… pam param. Pam pam param. Pam param. Plus: SPACE ARK.

Email trp@therotatingplatform.com, tweet @rotatingpodcast, gift your identity to a corporation on Facebook, or hide your message in a cake and send it to us in prison. (Next episode’s Space Ark genre is games with a celebrity’s face in.)

Stuff we discuss

  • E3 2015: Metroid Prime: Federation Force, Project Morpheus / Oculus, The London Heist, Square Enix press conference, Hitman, Amiibo, Skylanders, Nintendo World Championships 2015, Super Mario Maker, The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Shenmue III, Cuphead, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Fallout 4
  • What We Played: Futuridium EP Deluxe, Batman: Arkham Knight, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
  • Space Ark — wizard games: NBA 2K15, Ziggurat, Simon the Sorceror, Discworld, Magicka, Trine 2, Ni no Kuni, Wizball


  • ‘between sounds’ licensed under the Creative Commons 0 license
  • title and end music by ckotty

Categories: podcast


  1. Shenmue 3!!!! I was awaiting shrieks of glee throughout the 90 minutes of this episode. Have none of you guys played the original (or its sequel, which was also on Xbox)? Those who played it at the time are passionate for it for a reason. It remains my favourite game, although I am a little worried as the originals were super-detailed open world games, and the Kickstarter campaign is a confusing message to both old and new fans, unless Sony are opening their wallet.

  2. All of those GNamer celebrities in one room! My childhood, condensed… :*( Where can we find your Death Stare, Mark?

  3. Whoa now, hang on gents. Just… go back and read my “recommendation” for Trine 2. That’s no vote of support from me! Although it seems that it’ll be stinking up the Space Ark nonetheless, a thin aroma of graphical roses masking the underlying whiff.

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