
Episode 11: Check it ouuuut – it’s the Christmas episode

Just in time for (six days after) Christmas — it’s the Christmas episode! We delight/depress each other with gaming gifts, rattle through some of our favourite games of 2014 against the clock for some reason, find some “true” Christmas facts nestled at the bottom of our stockings, and discuss your gaming memories from 25 Decembers past. Plus: SPACE ARK.

Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, read all the books about our face on our Facebook page, or scream your message down our chimney.

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Bonus episode: Merry outtakes

A Christmas gift to thank you for listening to our little podcast this year — a bunch of things we got wrong or didn’t think were very good. What a treat!

Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, network socially with our Facebook page, or scrape your message into the pristine snow and pray some car doesn’t drive over it and smush it all up.

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Episode 10: Lettish lettish

Double figures! We create a semi-themed ‘What we’ve been playing’ without even meaning to, with Hotel Dusk, The Wolf Among Us and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. We use Jam With The Band to ruin Mario Kart for you forever. We predict Sean Connery’s amazing next career move. And we’ve got all the sparkly fingernail and balloon train news you’ve come to expect. Plus: SPACE ARK.

Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, interact away with our Facebook page, or send us a Christmas card. That’d be nice.

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Episode 9: Bigger than a baby, smaller than a man

This week we’re in Matthew’s flat, despite it often sounding like we’re coming to you from the central reservation of a motorway. You get Far Cry 4, Super Smash Bros for Wii U, flight simulators, a very fancy chandelier, Toni Braxton, our most inept Jam With The Band session yet, and the soothing drone of many cars and the odd bonus lorry. Plus: SPACE ARK.

Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, pop into our Facebook page, or stand opposite us in the supermarket and mouth silently at us while we back slowly away.

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Episode 8: Never trust a man named after a bird

This week we’ve been using our fingers to press the buttons that operate Far Cry 4 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Matthew has gently cajoled Yves Guillemot into revealing some “true” things about Assassin’s Creed: Unity, and acapella game tunes brings us both a listener’s impressive renditions and a San Andreas track from Alan that you are 100% guaranteed not to recognise in a million years. Plus: NO SPACE ARK. (We had some audio issues, sorry. It’ll be back next week with survival horror games.)

Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, visit our Facebook page, or spell your message out in Alphabetti Spaghetti.

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Episode 7: A little dog with a hat on

This week’s episode is a hallucination experienced by Matthew after 28 hours without sleep. Inside his terrifying mind-visions, we talk Lego Batman 3 and The Sailor’s Dream, uncover some absolutely 100% no-question “true” facts about the Majora’s Mask 3DS remake, and mangle several game tunes beyond recognition through the medium of Jam With The Band. Plus: SPACE ARK.

Next week’s Space Ark is survival horror. Well, every week is survival horror in the year 3000 — but specifically we mean that we want you to recommend your favourite survival horror game. Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, type words onto our Facebook page, or our morse code address is –. .- — . … -.-. — — — .. – – . . – …. . -.– . .- .-. …– —– —– —–.

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Episode 6: Do you believe in life after Shadow Complex

Look what’s coming out of us this week! We have ideas on how to improve the funeral scene in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, our ears suffer irreparable damage thanks to some listener-submitted a capella game tunes, and Matthew meets M Bison. Plus: SPACE ARK.

We want your badly-sung game songs and your favourite rhythm games for Space Ark, yes we do. Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, stick something on our Facebook page, or use lipstick to scrawl something on the mirror so we see it as we head for the shower.

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Episode 5: Get your cartilage ready

Matthew likens Sunset Overdrive to Tony Hawk shooting fireworks and flaming bowling balls out of himself, Mark thinks a little too much about what’s on Agent 47’s mobile phone, and Alan kicks off our new A Capella Game Tunes feature with a noise that unnerves us more than any Hallowe’en horror. Plus: SPACE ARK.

We want your badly-sung game songs and — and! — your favourite Metroidvania games for consideration in Space Ark next week. Email, tweet @rotatingpodcast, stick something on our new Facebook page, or pass your message to some chipper Cockney street tyke and send him on his merry way, the young pest.

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Episode 4: You killed the other orc!

Your ears will never be the same again! Fill them with some amazing “true” “facts” about No Man’s Sky that we’ve “discovered”, thoughts on zombies past (Undead Nightmare) and present (The Evil Within), another predictably terrible Jam With The Band cover, and a predict-o-name game idea that brings Trisha “Trisha” Goddard and Dolph Lundgren together at last. Plus: SPACE ARK.

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Episode 3: Fizzy cola bottles from a tube

This week, we give Alien: Isolation and Shadow of Mordor a right good discussing, reveal some unlikely-sounding “facts” about the man behind Minecraft, discover we like Newsnight about as much as we like Banjo-Kazooie — and throughout, we’re haunted by some kind of ominous clanking sound from the deep. Plus: SPACE ARK.

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